Check out this volunteer spotlight on WCHS's Shauna Johnson, published in South Hills Living Magazine May 2019 edition! Shauna was recognized for her involvement with "Over the Edge", benefitting the YWCA Charleston's Campaign to End Racism!
Read more about Shauna's involvement below!

volunteer spotlight
Your Name:
Shauna Johnson
What organization do you volunteer with?
I am one of the growing number of registered rappelers for the June 22nd "Over the Edge" event at the downtown Charleston BB&T Building to benefit "Many Stories, One Future" - YWCA Charleston's campaign to end racism.
How long have you been volunteering with the organization?
"Over the Edge" is my first volunteer activity for YWCA Charleston.
What types of tasks do you perform for this group?
I am collecting donations as a representative for 580-WCHS to support the "Rappel for a Reason".
How can others get involved with this organization?
Information about donating to rappelers for "Over the Edge" or registering as one of the participants is available at
Why did you choose this particular project, or what drew you to volunteer for this organization?
Bobbie Spry, the promotions director for West Virginia Radio Corporation, recruited me to represent 580-WCHS in "Over the Edge". I talked with Michelle Lewis, Development and Marketing Director for YWCA Charleston. Her enthusiasm about the good this fundraiser can do for the community is contagious.
What benefits do you get from volunteering with this organization?
YWCA Charleston is working for the betterment of all of Charleston. The money raised for "Over the Edge" will go toward a permanent endowment to fund the YWCA's Racial Justice Director to continue important racial justice programs in the Capital City.
How long have you lived in the neighborhood? What made you move to the neighborhood? What is your favorite part of living in the neighborhood?
I have lived in South Hills for 12 of the past 14 years. Originally, I chose the neighborhood because of its proximity to downtown Charleston. My neighbors, past and present, are my favorite part of living in South Hills, including Bob and Sara Busse, Lani, Jeff and Jill Johns, Joyce Lawrence, and the entire crew at Abney Circle.
Who are the members of your family? Are the involved in the charity as well?
I have a bull mastiff named Cash. He is always a chief of morals.
Any other information you would like to include?
Only 100 people total will be permitted to rappel from the downtown Charleston BB&T Building on June 22, 2019, from 9:00am-5:00pm. There is an $85.00 registration fee, which goes toward the $1,000.00 fundraising goal for individual participants. The rappel distance is 211 feet.
Bio information:
Shauna Johnson works as assistant news director, co-anchor of The Morning News, and a reporter for the MetroNews Radio Network and 580-WCHS, a West Virginia Radio Corporation station. She is originally from Fairmont, West Virginia.
Find out more about Over the Edge on our website: