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11 Things You Can Do to End Domestic Violence

Hi all! I'm Julie Britton, and I'm the YWCA Resolve Family Abuse Program Director. August marked my fifth year at Resolve and I can honestly say it feels like home. I’m incredibly privileged to get to come to work every day with the most amazing group of people who show up to make our community a better and more positive place. We had an amazing in-person Girls Night Out event after two years online and got to see and experience, firsthand, the support we have from all of you.

Here we are two months later and it’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). The highlight of DVAM is October 17th through October 22nd, which is the YWCA Week Without Violence. All 144 YWCA domestic violence providers come together to bring awareness to domestic violence and all the amazing services we offer. As the licensed domestic violence services provider for Kanawha, Boone, and Clay counties, the YWCA Charleston has a full schedule of activities to raise awareness of domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

Ending domestic violence is daunting, but there are things you can do in your everyday life that could make a difference in the life of a survivor. Here are eleven things you can do to help end domestic violence:

1. Have our DV helpline saved in your phone 304.340.3549 or 1-800.681.8663.

2. Wear purple to show your support for survivors of domestic violence. #whydoyouwearpurple

3. Join us at our DV Awareness Visibility Event. Grab a sign, line the Kanawha Boulevard, and greet those weary

5:00pm motorists.

4. This is for those men out there – BE AN ALLY. DV isn’t just a women’s issue, it’s a human issue.

5. Don’t ignore it. If you see or hear an argument, call the police. You could save a life.

6. Attend the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s Purple Gala on October 8th.

7. Share the word and help raise awareness. Tell friends and family about what the YWCA Charleston Resolve Family Abuse Program does. If your club, class, or workplace needs a learning event, call me (Julie) at 304.340.3554.

8. Know the signs. Examples could be (though there are many more):

· Keeping someone away from friends and family

· Controlling the money, who they see, where they go, or where and when they work

· Monitoring their phone, computer, and GPS

· Threatening someone or their family, friends, or pets

· Shaming them

· Accusing them of cheating

· Refusing to use or sabotaging birth control

9. Listen. It’s difficult for those experiencing domestic violence to involve others. If a friend confides in you, listen without judgment and ask how you can help.

10. Educate kids about violence and how to help. Promote healthy relationships and let them know they can come to you if they ever encounter trouble.

11. Share this blog.

I hope you all join us for our events!



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