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Local Woman Spotlight: Jennifer Vieweg

This powerhouse local leader is a passionate force in the community.

Name: Dr. Jennifer Vieweg

Hometown: I was born in Lexington, Ky. and grew up in Coral Springs, Fla., but my parents are West Virginia natives and I have been a proud resident of Charleston for more than 20 years.

Age: Age is just a number!

Occupation/Title: Director of Strategic Initiatives and Corporate Citizenship for Greylock Energy

YWCA Charleston is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Please choose one portion of the mission and tell me how you embody it?

I wish I could claim to embody it, but I love the “dignity for all” portion of the YWCA mission because I equate “dignity” with respect. And I firmly believe every person holds value, is worthy of dignity, and deserves respect.

I am convinced that 90 percent of the problems in our world can be attributed to the dehumanization of, and disrespect for, other people. We can chip away at humanity when:

  • We limit people to labels like titles, geographic locations, ethnicities, opinions, and political parties; or

  • We relegate people to their greatest trials like addictions, legal problems, health issues, or mental health challenges; or

  • We liken people to chattel like animals, inanimate objects, or other forms of property; or

  • We hurl insults and expletives that are meant to belittle, demean, and defeat.

The more we chip away at others, the less we see their humanities and therefore, the less we see them as people. And when one begins to see someone as less of a human being, the easier it is to treat them as such. So, I work very hard to extend respect to everyone… and by respecting others’ humanities, I hope to strengthen their dignities – as well as my own.

In one sentence, can you tell me what you're most known for?

It’s probably my boisterous laugh; twice in my life I have been in a noisy, crowded restaurant and someone from the other side of the room has walked over the say “hi” because they heard my laugh over the chaos and cacophony of the crowd.

It may also be my rhythm of life… my natural pace of walking, talking, and acting seems to be at a markedly faster pace than the rest of the world.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do:

As Director of Strategic Initiatives and Corporate Citizenship I am responsible for shepherding and sharing Greylock’s story. That means I manage all of our internal and external communications. But it also means I get to lead our employee engagement efforts, design our leadership and professional development programs, spearhead our Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) initiatives, help craft our corporate culture, manage our employee wellness program, administer the Greylock Scholarship program, and much more – anything that helps build our reputation as an employer, corporate neighbor, member of the community, and energy producer – that’s my wheelhouse.

What makes you passionate about what you do?

God calls us to serve… so in my family – we serve others. For at least a decade, my dad has been a member of the “Tuesday Crew” for Habitat for Humanity, building homes for those with substandard housing. My mom volunteers her time at a small food pantry every week, serving struggling families of eastern Kanawha County. And my sister gave up a successful law practice to become an elementary school teacher and impact the lives of children.

There are so many needs in our community, and like my family… I am called to make a difference in my own, small way. That is why I have served the YWCA-Charleston in several capacities. I am a member of the steering committee for Women for Economic and Leadership Development and Bible Center Church’s Welcoming Team. And, I have served on the American Heart Association – Heart Walk Leadership Team and the Education Elevators board of directors, among other areas of service. To quote Luke 12:48, “to whom much is given, much is expected” – and I have been richly blessed.

Any other information you'd like to add or include?

I am thankful for the YWCA-Charleston and the important, life-saving work they do in our community. They care for the most vulnerable in our community – providing a safety net for those who are falling, a hand up for those on the rise, and a safe place for those seeking safe refuge in a storm. I was honored to serve on the board of this amazing organization for nearly a decade, and I have seen first-hand the impact of the programs and the lives they have improved. That is why I am committed to its mission and continue to support it with my time, talents, gifts, and service.



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